Don't Compare: Just Be You

There Ain't Nobody Like You.

Hello dear.

Forgive me in my delay in another blog post, but a few changes happened in my life - for the better, of course.

You know, I just want to say that you're super amazing. And if I haven't personally met you, I still stand by my last sentence. You are.  And how do I know that? Because God created you. And if HE made you, then you were crafted with such amazing magnificence. 

But, here's the thing. Do you really know that for yourself? Rather, do you really believe that you were created with such amazing magnificence? And if so, are you acting like you believe it?

Marinate on that for a few seconds.


No, really.

Don't keep reading until you have truly thought about what I just asked you.


Well, if you have, then keep reading.

When I reflect over my life, I have to forgive myself for not treating ME the way that I deserve since I'm a really amazing person.  That includes allowing myself to remain in toxic friendships and relationships that I should've cut off long before I did. And that also includes settling in situations where I was functioning below my potential when I KNEW I had the mindset of a QUEEN and the power to influence nations. Can you relate? I hope so.

Unfortunately, there's a critical factor that stands to prevent us from believing in our own amazingness (is that even a word???? Oh well, just go with the flow honey and that's this awful infirmity of comparing ourselves to others. I believe someone said it, not sure who, but comparison is the thief of joy. It truly is.

And I can attest to have fallen victim to the "comparison infirmity" personally.

Just imagine what life would be like - you fully pursuing your lifelong dream without the added distraction or acknowledgement of another pursuing the same dream. Pure bliss - I bet.

You know, your path is your path. The way you dress is the way that YOU dress. The way that you get back up after a fall is your way of doing it. When you really think about it, you actually diminish your own power and strength when you begin to compare. You are amazing just the way you are. And, guess what? People come to YOU and are friends with YOU because of YOU, not because you are someone else.

People come to you and are friends with you because of you, not because you are someone else.

Well, as you begin your day, I challenge you today to ACT like what you believe. If you believe you're amazing, then ACT LIKE IT. If you believe that someday you'll going to be the CEO of your own business, then ACT LIKE IT now! And if you're already acting like the amazing person that you are, then kudos to you. A little encouragement never hurts. You're amazing ;)


  • Top: Hollister
  • Denim: Alloy
  • Hat: Forever 21
  • Pumps: Bakers

*See, even my style is my own authentic interpretation of ME ;)